The Splash

Keeping You Current 

 Annual Election of Commissioners:

The WWMD is made up of 7 commissioners, 5 that are elected and two that are appointed (one from Racine County and one from the Town of Waterford). The elected commissioners are voted on by the riparian owners during the annual meeting on SaturdaySeptember 28 and serve for a 3 year period of time. In the event a commissioner leaves their role before their term is up, then the person appointed to their term fulfills the term of the person who departed and is then eligible for re-election.

This year there are two commissioners up for re-election. Greg Horeth and Luke Francois (Current Chairman and Treasurer respectively). Both Greg and Luke have shown interest in serving again however the board would always be interested in receiving nominations or interest on the part of anyone who would like to be added to the ballot process for consideration from any riparian owners in the district.

Requirements for being considered for a commissioners role are the following:

1. Is a current riparian home owner on the water in the district

Any parties interested should forward their name and information to for addition to the ballot process for the September 28th annual meeting.

Please forward your interest for consideration to Dan Schultz (WWMD Secretary) [email protected] by August 28th to be placed on the ballot .

As always, if there are any questions regarding this or any else involving the WWMD please feel free to reach out to any of the commissioners at any time.

Next Monthly Meeting

When: July 17 at 6pm 

Where: Waterford Town Hall or ZOOM


July 17,  2024 Meeting Agenda
2024 Weed Harvesting Schedule
Annual Meeting APPROVED Budget

Welcome to the WWMD 

Mission: Maintain, protect, and improve the quality of the Waterford Waterway, its fisheries, its watershed, and boundaries; while maintaining the highest possible quality of living experience for its residents.

The district includes Tichigan Lake, Conservancy Bay, Buena Lake, Waterford Lake, and the Fox River. 

Fishing on Tichigan

Watch as John Gillespie and crew switch lakes and come to Tichigan to catch fish. Fast forward to the 9 min 3 sec mark to see all the hot late season fishing action. 

Dredging Project

Learn More About the Project

Project Description

The objective of this project is to address and improve water depths in areas adjacent to the channels already identified in the past as requiring dredging, but at a smaller scale that may be approved and funded at a faster pace than previous dredging efforts with minimal or no engineering/consulting costs. The project would follow the guidelines of an existing DNR dredging permit for individual riparian owners allowing up to 50 cubic yards of sediment per property to be removed each year for the next three years. One permit per year will be filed for approximately 500 owners, at a cost that the majority of owners will agree to by vote, which would then be added to tax levies.

Project Update (5/2/22)

The Waterford Waterway Management District (WWMD) has partnered with engineering firms Kieser & Associates and Geosyntec to go out for bid in May of 2022 for dredging of the Fox River and Tichigan Lake in Waterford, WI. The total amount of sediment to be removed over the course of four years will be approximately 145,935 cubic yards. The bid package and project manual will be available after May 13th at 2:00pm. A site visit with the engineers will be available on May 18th. Bidders have until June 10th at 2:00pm to submit proposals to the WWMD.

Questions can go to John Jacobson at Kieser & Associates:
Phone: (269) 344-7117
Cell: (616) 485-6287
Email: [email protected] 
Below you will find a variety of information related to the project. For a complete project description please click below.  Project Brief

View more details on the dredging page

Life on the Water

Send us photos of your Life on the Water

Our waterway offers an array of outdoor activities all year long. We would like to see how our owners and local community members utilize the waterway throughout the year. Your photos could be featured on the website and social media.  

Partnerships in Action

“Waterford Police Department Patrol Boat Gets a New Look”

The WWMD board of commissioners approved financial assistance to the Waterford Police Department to make necessary upgrades to their patrol boat. The WWMD's funds were used to wrap the boat in new "clearly" identifiable markings, a new light system, and a PA system. The WWMD is committed to improving safety within the watershed and this was an important step in ensuring increased safety. 

Stay Connected 

Sign up for our Life on the Lake e-newsletters to stay informed and stay engaged in your waterway. 

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