Frequently Asked Questions

What areas does the WWMD manage?

The WWMD manages over 1,100 acres of the waterway which includes: Tichigan Lake, Fox River, Buena Lake, and Waterford Lake

When is the annual meeting? 

The annual meeting is held in September, but additional meetings for all riparian owners can be called by the commission at any time

Who elects the commissioners?

Riparian owners elect the board of commissioners at the annual meeting. Commissioners serve for two-year terms. The exception to this rule is the two appointed positions by the Town of Waterford and Racine County. These commissioners serve a term of indefinite length. 

Does the WWMD work with the DNR?

The WWMD and board of commissioners consistently work with the DNR on permitting and lake management. This is an ongoing process. 

Why can’t I vote at meetings using an absentee ballot?

The WWMD is governed by Chapter 33 of Wisconsin State Law and 33.30(2)(b) and 33.305(4) which specifically prohibits absentee voting: “No absentee ballots or proxies are permitted at the annual meeting or special meetings.” You have to cast your vote at or during the meeting. This change was made by the Wisconsin Legislature in 2003 after complaints about voting procedures were considered by the Legislature; districts found it difficult to issue and control absentee ballots in accordance with state voting laws. It was not unusual, for example, for ballots to be photocopied by lobbyists rather than officially issued by a district’s Secretary. In following this prohibition, WWMD is simply obeying the legal restrictions put into place by our Legislature.