Election of Commissioners 

Annual Election of Commissioners: The WWMD is made up of 7 commissioners, 5 that are elected and two that are appointed (one from Racine County and one from the Town of Waterford). The elected commissioners are voted on by the riparian owners during the annual meeting on Saturday, September 28 and serve for a 3 year period of time. In the event a commissioner leaves their role before their term is up, then the person appointed to their term fulfills the term of the person who departed and is then eligible for re-election.

This year there are two commissioners up for re-election. Greg Horeth and Luke Francois (Current Chairman and Treasurer respectively). Both Greg and Luke have shown interest in serving again however the board would always be interested in receiving nominations or interest on the part of anyone who would like to be added to the ballot process for consideration from any riparian owners in the district.

Requirements for being considered for a commissioners role are the following:

1. Is a current riparian home owner on the water in the district

Any parties interested should forward their name and information to for addition to the ballot process for the September 28th annual meeting. Please forward your interest for consideration to Dan Schultz (WWMD Secretary) [email protected]
by August 28th to be placed on the ballot .

As always, if there are any questions regarding this or any else involving the WWMD please feel free to reach out to any of the commissioners at any time.

Apply Today

Meet Your Commissioners

Learn more or connect with a commissioner

Greg Horeth


[email protected]


29308 Forest Isle Lane
Waterford, WI 53185

Next Election: Sept. 2024

Dan Schultz


[email protected]


28910 Elm Island Dr.
Waterford, WI 53185

Next Election: Sept. 2025

Luke Francois


[email protected]


Next Election: Sept. 2024

Alex Abendschein

Information and Marketing

Racine County Appointee
[email protected]


6617 Willow Lane
Waterford, WI 53185

Grant Horn

Ecosystem Restoration Management

[email protected]


5826 N. River Bay Road
Waterford, WI 53185

Next Election: Sept. 2025

Bill McCormick

Aquatic Plant Management

Town of Waterford Appointee
[email protected]


5748 Island View Ct. 
Waterford, WI 53185

Scott Uhler

Legislation and Special Projects

[email protected]


6920 Burma Court
Waterford, WI 53185

Next Election: Sept. 2025

WWMD Commissioners’ Code of Conduct

- Government officials are required to act professionally and be polite and courteous at public forums.

- Commissioners are all of equal status, and may request a specific activity of another commissioner regarding a project, but not make demands of the commissioner.

- Commissioners may not make inappropriate remarks or discuss topics without the approval of the chairman at a public forum or meeting.

- The chairman controls the agenda at public meetings but facilitates discussion from all commissioners prior to providing his/her opinion. A motion is requested and the majority vote decides the outcome.

- Commissioners are not encouraged to answer questions not on the agenda from riparian owners at public meetings, but to defer to an appropriate committee or place them on the agenda for a subsequent meeting.

- Commissioners may not make insulting or inappropriate comments on email, Facebook, or other social media.

- Discussion among 3 or more commissioners (considered a quorum ) regarding WWMD policy on email or a telephone conference call violates Wisconsin Open Meeting Law and needs posting 24 hours prior.

- Ethics violations include: taking any action which benefits yourself or your immediate family, accepting gifts that may influence your vote or activity, and obtaining financial gain or benefit for yourself or your immediate family related to your position as commissioner.